Agriculture and Agro-Processing
Investment Opportunities, Industries and Sectors
From Ghana’s total land area of 23.9 million hectares, about 57% is suitable for agricultural purposes. The sector expanded by 4.8% in 2018 compared to a growth of 6.1% in 2017. Its share of GDP declined from 21.1% in 2017 to 19.7% in 2018. Crops is the second largest activity in Ghana with a share of 14.5% of GDP.. The sector is still the largest employment provider especially for low-income households in the country.
Investment opportunities are available for investors to produce agricultural products for the local and international markets or to provide services related to irrigation, technological support, raw materials: supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, and post-production. In the local markets the main agricultural products are yams, plantains, cassava, cocoyam/leaves, beans, groundnuts, tomatoes, chilies and onions. The EU is the main destination for Ghanaian exports.
Investment opportunities exist in the agro-processing industry to add value, reduce post-harvest losses, promote price stability and expand demand for local agricultural produce.
These include the processing of cocoa beans into cocoa products and fruits into fruit juices, provide services like packaging materials, cold chain equipment, post-production services (transport, cold vans) or packaging and shipping products to international markets
The establishment of various timber-based industries offer a large potential for growth and returns on investment. These include wood and non-timber forest products and plantations, farm forest wood lots, pulp paper and panel industries, provision of tree seedlings or wood processing into finished products.